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9770 Antenna Options

Antenna Options

RF cable options for Iridium Certus antennas used for Ground Control 9770 based products (RockREMOTE Classic, Rugged and Mini.) Adherence to the Min and Max cable loss ranges is required to meet Iridium certification requirements.

The options shown in the table below are based on the following cable and connector loss assumptions for the Certus operating frequency range:

LMR400 loss 0.17dB/m

LMR240 loss 0.34dB/m

LMR195 loss 0.5dB/m

0.1dB per connector.

This page is intended only to act as a guide. Installers are advised to carry out their own calculation and measurement of loss for any RF cable assembly used. Certus 100 services operate between 1616MHz - 1626.5MHz.

Connectors should have an IP67 ingress rating

AntennaAntenna end ConnectorTerminal end ConnectorMin Cable LossMax cable lossCable assembly options
SCAN Antenna (65020-011)N-type maleTNC male0.4dB1.9dBBetween 1.2m and 10m of LMR400
Between 0.6m and 5m of LMR240
Between 0.4m and 3.4m of LMR195
High-Profile Maxtena (M1621HCT-HP)TNC maleTNC male0.3dB1.4dBBetween 0.6m and 7m of LMR400
Between 0.3m and 3.5m of LMR240
Between 0.2m and 2.4m of LMR195
Low-Profile Maxtena (M1621HCT-LP-SM)TNC maleTNC male0dB0.3dBMaximum 0.6m LMR400
Maximum 0.3m LMR240
Maximum 0.2m LMR195

Suggested RF connectors: N-type male - CCS NPCR519GC TNC male - Telegartner J01010A0049