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The RockBLOCK Data Cycle

Welcome to the overview of the data handling cycle for RockBLOCK devices. This guide is designed to help you understand how to effectively collect, process, and transmit data using RockBLOCK modules attached to controllers such as Arduino or Raspberry Pi, equipped with various sensors or data collection devices.

Data Collection

Your RockBLOCK module can be interfaced with a variety of controllers and sensors to collect data. Common examples include GPS modules for location tracking, temperature sensors for environmental monitoring, or any other sensor that fits your specific needs.

Assemble Data Packets

The RockBLOCK operates using an Iridium 9602/9603 Short Burst Data (SBD) modem, capable of handling both ASCII and Binary data formats:

  • ASCII Packets: While simpler to handle, ASCII messages consume more data, thus using more transmission credits.
  • Binary Packets: More efficient in terms of space, allowing you to pack more data into each message. Binary data often requires conversion processes to revert to its original form, a crucial consideration for data integrity. Learn more about compressing your data here.

Transmitting and Receiving Data

Mobile Originated (MO) Messages

Messages sent from the RockBLOCK to the Iridium network are called MO messages. They originate from your device and are stored in the MO buffer before transmission.

Mobile Terminated (MT) Messages

Messages sent to the RockBLOCK from the Iridium network are called MT messages. They terminate at your device and are stored in the MT buffer until you retrieve them.

Data Transmission Cycle

Data transmission with RockBLOCK involves several steps:

  1. Buffer Transfer: Data must first be transferred from your controller to the RockBLOCK’s MO buffer.
  2. SBD Session: Initiate an SBD session to send your MO message and check for MT messages awaiting download. This session will also confirm the status of the sent MO message and detail any pending MT messages.

Further details on these processes can be found in the chapters Transmit ASCII Data, Transmit Binary Data, and Receive Data.

Retrieving Data from the MT Buffer

Post-SBD transmission, any data in the MT buffer must be transferred to your controller for processing or action.

Signal Strength Considerations

Although checking signal strength prior to transmission seems logical, it is often impractical due to the dynamic nature of satellite signal availability. For a detailed explanation, visit our Signal Strength Guide.

Managing Ring Alerts

For users primarily receiving MT messages, monitoring for new messages can be achieved through:

  • Ring Alerts: Automatically notified when a new MT message is available, without sending an MO message. More about this feature can be found here.
  • Mailbox Checks: Manually checking the mailbox for new MT messages as detailed in the Mailbox Check section.