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Ring Alerts

When a new message enters the MT queue, the gateway sends out a ring alert at the last known location of your RockBLOCK. This free service notifies your device of the queued message so that you can initiate an SBD Session to download it.

❗️Ring Alerts are turned OFF in RockBLOCK's default configuration

  • Enable Ring Alerts using the AT+SBDMTA=1 command.
  • Check the status of Ring Alerts using the AT+SBDMTA? command
  • Any changes to this setting need to be saved. This can be done using the AT&W0 command. If changes are not saved this setting will revert to its default when the device is powered off.

If you are not receiving Ring Alerts check that:

  • You have enabled Ring Alerts using the AT+SBDMTA=1 command
  • The device is powered on
  • The device or external antenna has a clear view of the sky

Upon entering command mode, the RockBLOCK may issue an SBDRING announcement indicating a ring alert. This can occur immediately upon entering command mode or during normal operation if the device was already in command mode.

Responding to Ring Alerts

If a ring alert is detected, it is advisable to quickly respond by using the +SBDIXA command to retrieve the associated MT message. If +SBDIXA is not executed within 20 seconds from the first alert, the gateway will send a second ring alert as a reminder.

Checking the Cause of Ring Alerts

You can use the +CRISX command to investigate the reason for the most recent RI signal activation. This helps in understanding why the RockBLOCK issued a ring alert and can guide subsequent actions.

AT Commands used in this section