Transmit ASCII Data
This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to transmit ASCII data using your RockBLOCK module. Before you begin, ensure that your RockBLOCK is connected to a suitable power supply and that serial communication has been established with the default settings (19200 baud rate, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit - 8N1).
Follow the commands listed below to send an ASCII message from your RockBLOCK to the Iridium Satellite Network. This process involves placing a text message into the Mobile Originated (MO) buffer, initiating a transmission, and handling responses from the device.
/* Issue AT command */
/* Receive response */
/* Insert ASCII message into MO buffer */
AT+SBDWT=Hello World\r
/* Receive response */
/* Initiate an Extended SBD Session */
/* Receive response */
+SBDIX: <MO status>, <MOMSN>, <MT status>, <MTMSN>, <MT length>, <MT queued>\r
This procedure ensures that your message “Hello World” is sent to the network and also checks for any messages that might be waiting for your device. Follow the on-screen responses to verify successful communication with the network.