Command Response API
Minimum version v0.12.1
Connection Status
Local devices attached to the LAN may need to check when the RockREMOTE is ready to receive data to for the WAN. For example, when using the sleep pin to wake up the RockREMOTE Mini from low-power mode, it can take around a minute to fully start and establish a WAN connection.
Devices can make a HTTP GET request on port 80 to the local IP address of the RockREMOTE
), as follows:
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/connection
The response will be one of the following plain text strings:
Any response code other than 200 should be treated as disconnected.
Signal Strength
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/signal-strength
Response will be the current Iridium signal level(negative integer representing dBm -126 to -100) and signal bars(integer 0 to 5).
example -113,4
PPP Status
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/ppp-status
Iridium services
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/iridium-services
Response is a comma separated list of the services by name:
example Messaging, Packet Data
IMT topics
Will return the list of IMT topics that are provisioned to the Iridium Modem.
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/imt-topics
Still in development. Response:
Trigger Reboot
Local devices can make a HTTP reboot request on port 80 to the local IP address of the RockREMOTE
), as follows:
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/reboot
Current Time
Local devices attached to the LAN may need to synchronise their time with the RockREMOTE. When the RockREMOTE has synchronised its time with a GNSS fix or NTP Server it can report the Unix time, which is the number of seconds that have elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970.
Devices can make a HTTP GET request on port 80 to the local IP address of the RockREMOTE (default, as follows:
http://<rockremote ip>/api/public/current-time
The response to this request will either be an empty string or the Unix Epoch time. An empty string response indicates that the RockREMOTE has not successfully synchronised with a valid time source.