📄️ Software Update
New software versions are released from time to time which may include new features and bug fixes.
📄️ Cloudloop Device Manager Operation
Getting started with CDM - Basic Functions & Features
📄️ Connection Status API
Minimum version v0.10.0
📄️ System Information API
It may be desireable to confirm the system information for the RockREMOTE device.
📄️ Last Known GNSS Fix API
If you need to retrieve the last known GNSS fix of the RockREMOTE device, you can use the local API to conveniently access this information.
📄️ Current Time API
Minimum version v1.4.0
📄️ Factory Reset
RockREMOTE units using version 2 PCB's and above (Majority of shipped units) have a simple method to allow the unit to be returned to factory default settings.
REST API for Sending and Receiving Iridium Messaging Transport (IMT)
📄️ Voice
These documents are intended to provide early access information to interested parties. Whilst we strive to maintain accuracy, any part of the specification or design of these products may change without notice.