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Get Configuration (GET){serial}
ParameterTypeDescriptionExample/Possible Values
Serial number of RockSTAR/YB3 device
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Response Parameters

softwarestringFirmware version of deviceX.Y.Z
pcbstringDevice typeGriffin, Tigershark, Leopard
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
statestringControls routine tracking reportson, off
freqstringTracking frequency (Iridium Satellite context)15s, 30s, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 720, 1440, burst
burstFixFreqstringHow often will a position fix be acquired when in burst mode, in seconds5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1200
burstTransmitFreqstringHow often will a set of fixes be transmitted, when in burst mode, in minutes1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60
cellFreqstringTracking frequency (Cellular context)see trackingFreq for expected values
cellBurstFixFreqstringsee trackingBurstFixFreq, for Cellular context5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1200
cellBurstTransmitFreqstringsee trackingBurstTransmitFreq, for Cellular context1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60
distressFreqstringTracking frequency (Distress context)see trackingFreq for expected values
distressBurstFixFreqstringsee trackingBurstFixFreq, for Distress context5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600, 900, 1200
distressBurstTransmitFreqstringsee trackingBurstTransmitFreq, for Cellular context1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60
activitySenseModestringThe current Activity Sense modeoff, power, bump, sog, bump_sog, away_from_home
activitySenseThresholdstringThe current Activity Sense thresholdmin: 18, max: 54
positionBlockFormatstringstandard, compact
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
statestringControls routine mailbox checkson, off
freqstringMailbox check frequency, in minutes5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 720
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
timerStatestringTimer alert functionon, off
timerTimeoutstringTimeout, in minutes5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240
deadManStatestringDead Man alert functionon, off
deadManTimeoutstringTimeout, in minutes5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240
temperatureStatestringTemperature alert functionon, off
temperatureFreqstringFrequency of temperature measurements, in minutes1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30
temperatureColdstringThe temperature below which an alert is sent-40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
temperatureHotstringThe temperature above which an alert is sent-40, -35, -30, -25, -20, -15, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50
geofenceStatestringGeofence alert functionoff, Simple Polygon
geofenceFreqstringFrequency of geofence check1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 30
geofenceRadiusstringGeofence alert radius, in metres25, 50, 100, 250, 1000, 2000, 3000
powerLossStatestringPower loss alert functionon, off
collisionStatestringCollision alert functionon, off
collisionDurationstringMinimum duration (in ms) of collision1, 2, 5, 10, 20
collisionThresholdstringMinimum threshold (in g's) of collision1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
statestringBluetooth mode of operationoff, on, advertise, scan
beaconIdstringBluetooth beacon ID, if Bluetooth state is set to advertise0 to 255
sensitivitystringBluetooth scanner sensitivity0 (far far away) to 6 (touch)
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
gprsStrategystringCellular network strategynever, preferred, always
loggingstringSystem loggingon, off
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
AccuracystringGPS accuracy required2D, 3D
hotModestringGPS Hot mode statuson, off
fixesRequiredstringNumber of GPS fixes required to send a GPS position1, 5, 10, 20
earlynessstringHow many seconds does the GPS switch on before the scheduled transmission time20, 40, 60, 120, 180, 240
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
statestringon, off
pinstringScreen unlock code0000 to 9999
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
commandAtstringDate/Time of CommandYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
serialNumberstringSerial Number of Unit
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
mobWatcherstringMan Overboard Watcheron, off
baudRatestringExternal baud rate
sampleRatestringSample rate of external data
sourcestringExternal source to stream additional data from
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z
flightStatusAlertModestringType of aircraftoff, hover, fixed-wing
autoResumeStatestringState of Tracking Autoresumeon, off
autoResumeRadiusstringTracking Autoresume Radius2000, 3000, 5000, 10000
altitudeRateAlertModestringType of alertoff, descent, ascent, both
descentAlertTimestringTime of descent after which Alert will be sent, in seconds5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
descentAlertSpeedstringDuration of maximum descent ascent rate, in feet-per-minute1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000
ascentAlertTimestringDuration of maximum acceptable ascent rate, in seconds5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30
ascentAlertSpeedstringMaximum acceptable ascent rate, in feet-per-minute1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000
vRotatestringThe speed threshold (knots) that causes a takeoff event0 to 255 knots
vStallstringThe speed threshold (knots) that causes a landing event0 to 127 knots - must be <80% of vRotate
reportAtstringDate/Time of ReportYYYY-MM-DD T HH:MM:SS Z

Notice that every config element will indicate the time that these options were either sent to or received from the tracker, with a commandAt or reportAt attribute.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TrackerData><device serial="100015"><Config><Info software="3.8.26" pcb="Griffin (4G)" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Tracking state="on" freq="10" burstFixFreq="60" burstTransmitFreq="5" cellFreq="10" cellBurstFixFreq="60" cellBurstTransmitFreq="5" distressFreq="1" distressBurstFixFreq="20" distressBurstTransmitFreq="1" activitySenseMode="away_from_home" activitySenseThreshold="0" positionBlockFormat="standard" signalLossCheckingState="on" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Mailbox state="off" freq="30" externalPowerMode="unlimited" gprsStrategy="preferred_speed" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Alert timerState="off" timerTimeout="5" deadManState="off" deadManTimeout="5" temperatureState="off" temperatureFreq="1" temperatureCold="10" temperatureHot="40" geofenceState="Simple" geofenceFreq="1" geofenceRadius="1000" powerLossState="off" collisionState="off" collisionDuration="10" collisionThreshold="16" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Bluetooth state="on" beaconId="0" sensitivity="0" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><System externalPowerMode="unlimited" gprsStrategy="never" logging="off" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><GPS accuracy="3D" hotMode="off" fixesRequired="20" earlyness="20" batteryModel="A" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><ScreenLock state="off" pin="1234" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><GPSLogging state="off" period="5" dynamicPlatformModel="AIRBORNE" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Factory serialNumber="34479" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><ExternalData mobWatcher="off" baudRate="19200" sampleRate="20" source="SERIAL-API" debounce="FFFF" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /><Airborne flightStatusAlertMode="off" autoResumeState="off" autoResumeRadius="2000" altitudeRateAlertMode="off" descentAlertTime="5" descentAlertSpeed="1000" ascentAlertTime="5" ascentAlertSpeed="1000" vRotate="128" vStall="88" reportAt="2024-07-08T08:17:23Z" /></Config></device></TrackerData>