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Viewing Position Data


Screenshots in this document were captured from a non-standard account. Interface colours in standard accounts may differ, but all functionality remains the same.

View Current Position

To view the current position of your tracker(s), expand the group containing the tracker(s) of interest, and then click on the tracker name(s). Their names will turn bold, indicating that they have been selected. For example, Gulf Princess and Persian Bulk.


Each time a tracker is selected in the control panel, a marker pin will appear on the map. By clicking on the device name again, you can deselect it. You can also select/deselect additional trackers in the same way.

Visual Position Data

In the Map Controls tab of the Tools Panel, the selected tracker(s) will be listed.


Press the Show/Hide Tracks button. This will reveal a second Positions From: and Positions To: window underneath.

You can now view the position of your selected tracker(s) from and up to specific dates. Use the left drop-down calendar to enter the start date and the right drop-down calendar for the end date.


By moving the range slider to your desired date, you can see the positions of your tracker(s) at that time. You can use the left/right arrow keys beneath the slider to move the tracker’s position forwards or backwards in time.


A tracker’s GPS fixes can be shown on the screen by selecting the Show/Hide position button.


Position Data in Table Form

To export your tracker’s position data in table format, click on the cog next to its name and select Position Data.


Set the date for each drop-down calendar, press Done for each date, and then press Filter to display the data.


Your device's position data table includes the following information:

Time (UTC)Position timestamp
LatitudeLatitude of the position
LongitudeLongitude of the position
MGRSMilitary Grid Reference System
OS GridOrdnance Survey Coordinates
SOGSpeed over ground (mph)
GPS SOGGPS Speed over ground
COGCourse over ground (degrees)
GPS COGGPS Course over ground
AltitudeAltitude of position (m above sea level)
Ext. PowerExternal power at time of transmission
BatteryBattery percentage at time of transmission
SourceSource of transmission coordinates (GPS or Iridium)
CEPCircular error probability (km) (for Iridium Positions)
TemperatureTemperature at time of transmission
ReasonReason for particular transmission
GPS PDOPGPS Geometric Dilution of Precision (for GPS Positions)
Nav ModeType of GPS position acquired

At the top right of the table, the Download As button allows you to export the data in the following formats:

Export FormatDescription
Excel SpreadsheetMicrosoft Excel XLS spreadsheet
KML FileKeyhole Markup Language file
GPX FileGPS eXchange Format file
CSV FileComma-separated values file