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Managing Users and Permissions

Contact Book

Your Core account starts with a single Admin user, but you can add and manage additional users (referred to as "contacts") once you're logged in.

To access the Contact Book, click the cog icon next to your account name and select Contact Book.


A list of all contacts currently associated with your account will be displayed.

  • To edit a contact, click the 'Pen' icon.
  • To create a new contact, click the Create Contact button in the lower left corner.
  • To remove a contact, click the 'X' next to the 'Pen' icon.

The following information can be entered when adding or editing contacts:

Contact Details

  • Name: A general name for the contact (not a login username). This will be referenced when setting up the contact as a First Responder.
  • Email: The email address of the contact. If they are a designated First Responder, alerts will be sent to this email.
  • Send Alerts to Email?: Toggle whether to send alerts to the contact’s email.
  • Mobile: The contact’s mobile phone number. SMS alerts will be sent to this number.
  • Send Alerts to Mobile?: Toggle whether to send alerts via SMS to this mobile number.
  • Time Zone: The contact’s time zone. Although the Iridium network operates in UTC, Core alerts can be shown in the contact's specified time zone.
  • Associated Device: (Optional) Associates the contact with a specific device (e.g., RockSTAR, RockFLEET, RockAIR). If enabled, this device will also receive group Alert or Alert Cancel notifications, provided it is part of the same group.
  • Send Alerts to Device?: Toggle whether alerts will be sent to the associated device.

Login Options

  • Login: The login username for the contact.
  • New Password: Set the contact's new password here.
  • Confirm New Password: Confirm the contact's new password here.
  • Type: The account type. See the account types table for more information.
  • Silent Screen Alerts?: Toggle whether audible alerts for this contact will be on or off.

App Settings

  • Keyword: The keyword controls the CONNECT app's behaviour and should always be set as your username.

Account Types

The following table briefly explains the hierarchy of accounts found in the Core.

Account NameDescription
Account AdministratorCan administer and manage the entire account, including billing, and remotely configure advanced device options.
Account Administrator (Basic)Can administer and manage the entire account, including billing, but cannot remotely configure advanced device options.
Advanced OperatorCan manage trackers, groups, and remotely configure units.
CONNECT UserSpecial User Type for CONNECT App use.
Messaging OperatorCan view positions, and send/receive messages from units.
Normal OperatorCan view positions from units.
Public View OnlyCan only see password-protected public views.

Each of the aforementioned account types can see/administer the following Core functions.

FeatureAccount AdministratorAdvanced Operator (Basic)Messaging OperatorCONNECT UserNormal OperatorPublic View ONLY
Login To Back OfficeXXX
Manage Groups and MembershipXX
View Event LogXXX
View Geo ObjectsXXX
Acknowledge AlertXXX
Send messages to devicesXXX
View messages from devicesXXX
Manage ContactsXX
Modify Geo ObjectsXX
Can manually adjust position dataXX
Can remotely configure basic device optionsX
Assign RolesXX
Billing Settings and Contact StatusXX
Can silence alert sirenX
Change Account PreferencesX
Create Public ViewsX
Create and Delete Sub AccountsX
Edit Device AssignmentsX
Force Acknowledge AlertsXX
View AlertsXX
View Credit UsageX
Can remotely configure advanced device optionsXX
Public Views ONLYX