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Ports and Wiring Diagrams


There are three main ports on the back of the RockAIR and, optionally, 3 SMA connectors if you have the version with external antennae. From left to right on the back of the device, they are:


  1. Iridium external antenna (Red SMA connector)
  2. GPS external antenna (Blue SMA connector)
  3. Cellular external antenna (Yellow SMA connector)
  4. Switch/Alert input port (Molex)
  5. Power/Serial port (Molex)
  6. Micro USB port (5V power)


The RockAIR has two ports located on the rear of the device.

Switch/Alert Inputs

The 6 pin Molex connector provides up to 5 switch/alert inputs. By pulling any of pins 1-5 to ground (pin 6), the tracker will immediately transmit an alert. A secondary alert will be sent when the connection is open again.


Pin #SerialCORE and APIColour
1On_4 / Off_4Switch E (Falling / Rising)Black
2On_2 / Off_2Switch C (Falling / Rising)Brown
3On_0 / Off_0Switch A (Falling / Rising)Red
4On_3 / Off_3Switch D (Falling / Rising)Orange
5On_1 / Off_1Switch B (Falling / Rising)Yellow
6N/A (Ground)N/A (Ground)Green

❗️ Switch input wiring:

  • Switch inputs can be grounded via the common ground on a vehicle
  • Pin 6 must NOT be connected to the common ground

DC Power and Serial Connection

The 4 pin Molex connector provides 12-24vDC power and an RS232 Serial Interface driven by the popular MAX3232 IC which accepts an input of -25v to +25v.


PinPurposeColour (before Autumn 2020)Colour (after Autumn 2020)
1+ve 12/24V DCRedRed
2-ve (Ground)BlackBlack
3RS232 TXGreenWhite
4RS232 RXBlueGreen