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See Alerts for more information on the cross-platform Alerts available for Ground Control's trackers.

Geofence Alert

When Status is set to On, an audible and visual alert will be shown on the device when a device moves away from the circle transcribed by the Centre Point and Distance. Users can also define the Check Every parameter, to set how often the device uses the GPS to check its position.

This alert is sent automatically and cannot be cancelled.

Timer Alert

Setting Status to On will set off both a visual and audible alert after the Set Timeout period expires.

If this device alert isn't cancelled by pressing the OK button, the device sends out a Countdown Alert message and enters Emergency Mode.

Dead Man's Switch

Setting Status to On and Set Frequency to the desired period will set off both a visual and audible alert. The Dead Man's Switch is a perpetual alert and must be cancelled repeatedly unless Status is set back to Off again.

If this device alert isn't cancelled by pressing the OK button, the device sends out a Deadman Alert message and enters Emergency Mode.

Temperature Alert

To set up this alert, set Status to On, define the High and Low temperatures and the Checking Frequency.

If this device alert isn't cancelled by pressing the OK button, the device sends out a Temperature Alert message.

Power Alert

When setting Power Alert to On an audible and visual alert will be shown on the device for 20 seconds, every time there is a change in the power state. For example, when the device is plugged into or unplugged from mains power/USB power.

If this device alert isn't cancelled by pressing the OK button, the device sends out an Alert message.

Collision Alert

When Status is set to On, an audible and visual alert will be shown on the device every time the device experiences forces greater than the Threshold and for longer than the Duration defined in the menu.

If this device alert isn't cancelled by pressing the OK button, the device sends out a Collision Alert message.

Send Alert Cancel

When a device is in Emergency Mode, you can revert back to normal tracking mode by sending an Alert Cancel message.

Alert Quick Reference

Emergency Mode is activated in the RockSTAR/YB3 with the following alerts.

Alert TypeActivates Emergency Mode?
Red Button PressYes
Dead Man's SwitchYes
Timer AlertYes
Collision AlertNo
Geofence AlertNo
Temperature AlertNo
Power AlertNo

To cancel Emergency Mode you will meed to to go Alerts -> Send Alert Cancel.