📄️ Iridium Contract Costs
📘 Postpaid data tariffs
📄️ Integration with your application
Delivering MO messages to your application
📄️ Receiving MO messages via HTTP Webhook
This is the preferred method for delivery to your application as it provides guaranteed delivery.
📄️ Sending MT Messages - HTTP POST
You can send an MT (mobile-terminated) message from your application, to your RockBLOCK, using this HTTP POST endpoint.
📄️ RockBLOCK Management System
The RockBLOCK management system allows users to amend their account details, manage RockBLOCKs, top-up accounts, review invoice details, and set-up communication between HQ, individual devices and device groups.
📄️ RockBLOCK Gateway Commands
RockBLOCK-to-RockBLOCK Messaging